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Did you know there are many ways you can hurt your own auto accident case? Yes, even though we might try to do the right thing and be honest, insurance companies and their lawyers will try to make your claim seem small and they will try to make you feel dishonest. They try to do this because they do not want you to go any further with your case. If you have been injured and need to file a case contacting an experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury attorney like David F. Makkabi is your best bet as they will help you fight the bigger insurance companies. Here are a few things that can help you avoid hurting you case and helping you win what you deserve for your damages.

1)  Under-Estimating the Auto Insurance Companies!

The insurance company will try to disprove your claim and are not your friends. They will hire investigators and try to find anything that can hurt you in the case for them winning. Tell them the truth and admit you tried to do a task, do not deny it later because it can later be caught on tape and eventually hurting your case and discredit you.

2)  Signing Away Your Rights!

 It is important to have an experienced personal injury attorney to help you out. This is crucial to helping you understand what to say when you are asked those hard to answer questions.

Do not say anything to the insurance company as it might go against you in the future.  Do not sign any paper work even if you think it is innocent, they might have small print that waives your rights or allow the insurance company to access your medical records and violate your privacy. Always check with your attorney regarding your personal injury case.

3)  Never Talk to Others About Your Case of Discuss Your Case on Facebook!

 Other will try to contact you regarding what happened involving your case. It is never a good idea to speak with anyone regarding these matters except your personal injury attorney. If the adjuster has any questions to ask, have them simply contact your attorney as they are representing you and your best interest.

This includes the internet as well. Posting things up on social sites such as Facebook or Myspace means that others can view them. The purpose of this Internet research is to attempt to show that you are not as injured as you claim. So be careful about postings any photos of your activities. Avoid posting new items and remove any items that can be used to discredit you.

4)  Missing Doctors Appointments and Disposing of Important Evidence of Your Injuries!

 By missing doctor’s appointments, it might show that you are not really injured or that are not taking your claim seriously. It is important that you show you are willing to listen to your doctor and work hard to recover from your injury. You should keep all documentation your doctor provides you (i.e., medical records, prescriptions, etc…). This will be used to prove you are truly injured and trying to recover.

5)  Forgetting to Document Your Injuries and Surroundings!

 You should try to take any pictures of the accident while you can and document these findings. Evidence can be used to help your case such as photos of the injuries, the location of the accident, the streets around the accident and so on. The more you can gather for your attorney the better you are going to be.

6)  Updating Your Driver’s License and Insurance Policies!

 It is a state law to drive on the streets with a valid California license or another state. The law also states that you should have insurance on the vehicle. Remember to keep all those important facts and be able and willing to show proof during your case.

7)  Poor Communication with Your Attorney!

Communication is the key to your success. Your attorney is here to represent your best interest and by keeping a clear and truthful line between the both of you, it will benefit you. The best way to avoid mistakes in a lawsuit is to maintain excellent communication with your personal injury lawyer. There are so many confusing laws that can wreak havoc on an automobile accident case, even when people are trying to be truthful, honest and do the right thing.

The best advice remains the simplest: Call experienced car accident attorney David F. Makkabi at 310-887-8000 if you have a question, and certainly before doing something that can have an important impact on your case.