24 Accidents on 11 Mile Stretch on Interstate 80
In July there were 24 accidents through the 11-mile stretch of Interstate 80 known as the Emigrant Gap construction zone, one of which resulted in a fatality, according to California Highway Patrol Sgt. Sven Miller.
As a result, the California Highway Patrol and California Department of Transportation have come together to alert motorists traveling through the construction area to slow down to the posted 55 miles per hour and avoid aggressive driving behaviors like passing and tailgating.
In the last 10 days there have been five crashes in the Emigrant Gap construction zone, three of which involved big rig trucks. Two of the trucks that crashed overturned after the drivers fell asleep and the most recent of which occurred Thursday when a truck had a tire blow out, according to Miller.
The speed limit in the construction zone is 55 miles per hour and Caltrans has determined that speeding through the 11-mile stretch at 65 miles per hour saves around 1 minute 54 seconds.
Attorney David Makkabi handles car accident cases all over the state of California. Our office gives free consultations over the phone 24 hours a day at 310-887-8000.