Eddie Murphy's Film Set Accident Leaves Crew Members Hospitalized - Makkabi Law Group
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Eddie Murphy’s Film Set Accident Leaves Crew Members Hospitalized

Dramatic drone footage captured the aftermath of a stunt-gone-wrong on the set of Eddie Murphy’s new movie, “The Pickup,” resulting in eight crew members being hospitalized. The incident, which occurred during a filming session in Atlanta, showcases a disturbing crash scene that unfolded during a planned stunt sequence.

In the aerial view footage obtained by TMZ, an armored truck is seen alongside a car, both vehicles involved in a scene being filmed for the movie. Despite the presence of professionals and crew members, the coordinated maneuver between the truck and car went awry, causing both vehicles to veer off the road and flip multiple times. The staged contact between the vehicles led to a chaotic and horrifying scene, with bodies being thrown from the truck upon impact.

While Eddie Murphy and other actors were not present on set that day, the crew members involved in the stunt suffered severe injuries. One crew member remains hospitalized with life-threatening injuries, including multiple fractures in the neck and back, a shattered scapula, a punctured lung, and a skull fracture.

Authorities clarified that the crash occurred when the truck’s brush guard became entangled in the smaller vehicle’s wheel well. Amazon M.G.M. Studios, the production company behind the film, emphasized that all safety measures were in place at the time of the incident and expressed their concern for the recovery of those injured.

At Makkabi Law Group, we understand the challenges that victims of accidents face, and we offer personal injury services to assist them in their recovery process. In the event of a filming accident or any other incident resulting in injuries, it is essential to seek legal guidance to ensure that your rights are protected. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping accident victims navigate the legal process and obtain the compensation they deserve.

While the accident on the set of “The Pickup” is distressing, it serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety in all filming endeavors. Our thoughts are with the injured crew members, and we are ready to provide support and legal assistance to those affected by the incident.